City Secretaries’ Office

Melenda K. Harbour


Melenda K. Harbour

Melenda has been with the City since December 2013. She is currently in the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program, though the University of North Texas to become a certified City Clerk.

Powers and Duties of the City Secretary

The City Secretary shall attend the meetings of the City Council and shall keep accurate minutes of its proceedings in books to be provided for that purpose. He or she shall correctly enroll all ordinances and resolutions of the City Council and properly record the same. He or she shall take charge of, preserve and keep in good order all books, records, papers, documents and files belonging to the city, the custody of which is not confined to some other official. He or she shall countersign all commissions issued to city officers and licenses issued by the city, or under its authority, and keep a register thereof. He or she shall make out all notices required under any order or ordinance of the city and serve the same when directed so to do by the mayor or other competent authority. He or she shall draw and countersign all checks on City financial accounts, which shall show definitely the fund upon which they are drawn and the purpose for which they are issued, and keep an accurate account thereof in a book to be provided for that purpose. He or she shall be the general accountant of the city and shall keep in books regular accounts of the receipts and disbursements of the city showing under proper heads each cause of receipt or disbursements, and shall also keep an account with each person or officer handling funds of the city, crediting amounts allowed by proper authority, and specifying the particular transaction to which such entries apply. He or she shall keep a register of bonds and other evidences of indebtedness issued by the city and of all evidences of debt due and payable to the city, noting the particulars thereof. He or she shall, before each meeting of the City Council, examine all claims and accounts filed against the city, and note his or her approval of such as are found correct and his disapproval of others. He or she shall require all officers of the city connected with its finances, or handling its funds, to make at least monthly reports to the City Council, which he or she shall examine and approve, or disapprove, and refer to the City Council for appropriate action. He or she shall audit the books of other departments and officials. He or she shall be the clerk of the municipal court and perform all duties incident to that office. The City Secretary shall also serve as the City Treasurer. The City Secretary shall securely keep all moneys belonging to the city until such time as those moneys are deposited with the designated depository for City funds. He or she shall render full and correct statements of his or her receipts to the City Council at its first regular meeting in each month, and at any other time he or she may be required to do so, and shall make such other reports as may be required of him or her by any law of the State.







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