Allowed: In order to park or locate on private property within the City, vendors must obtain permission of the owner of the property on which they wish to park or locate prior to parking or locating on the property. Vendors may, but are not required to park or locate under the sheds on West Alamante Street between Cato Street and Texas Street and north of the railroad tracks (the “vendor area”). No vendor shall have an exclusive right to any specific location in the vendor area or be permitted to store or leave merchandise or any vehicle or trailer in the vendor area unattended or overnight.
Prohibited: For the purpose of conducting vending activities, no vendor shall set up on any public street, roadway, alley, sidewalk, pedestrian walkway, or other public right of way, or any state highway. No vendor shall park or locate on property or in any way that encroaches on or blocks any public street, alley, sidewalk, pedestrian walkway, or other public right of way, or any state highway.