Can I register my vehicle at City Hall?
Yes, every first Thursday of the month the Comanche County Tax Office sends and agent to City Hall for vehicle registration. Call City Hall to verify date and hours. (254) 893-2065
Yes, every first Thursday of the month the Comanche County Tax Office sends and agent to City Hall for vehicle registration. Call City Hall to verify date and hours. (254) 893-2065
Yes, every first Thursday of the month the Comanche County Tax Office sends and agent to City Hall for license plate registration. Call City Hall to verify date and hours. (254) 893-2065
Yes, every first Thursday of the month the Comanche County Tax Office sends and agent to City Hall to collect property tax payments. Call City Hall to verify date and hours. (254) 893-2065
This is against ordinance. If this is your yard, please remedy this situation immediately. If this is your neighbor’s or someone else yard, please file an online code enforcement complaint here.
View the Animal Shelter’s page, where under the “Connect” section there is a feed from Facebook with pictures of our new animals.
For process, see their Compliments & Complaints page here.
To view the current RV Park Ordinance, click here.
Registration, payment, and a City-issued permit required in advance to parking. The permit shall be displayed in the windshield of the permitted vehicle at all times. Check-out time is 2pm. Only one RV shall be allowed per site. All other vehicles shall be parked out of traffic lanes running through the park, and may be … Continued
Registration, payment, and a City-issued permit is required in advance to parking your RV. Registration can be submitted in house, email, or by the link listed below. Phone: (254) 893-2065 E-mail: Online Registration: